Friday, June 22, 2012

Weekly weigh in...

I was afraid to weigh in yesterday after the weekend of indulgences!!  Friday I was able to help my friend Mindi out with her 5 week old twin girls, Norah and Molly.  I don't know how she does it... it is a bit crazy over there with the twins and her 3 year old, Ruby.  She is an amazing mom and it was fun to get to hang out with them for the afternoon.  Before going over there I stopped at Cafe Rio and got us some lunch.  I decided to go for a chicken tostada thinking it is smaller than the salad, and doesn't have the 500 calorie tortilla.  The girls were a bit fussy so I didn't get a chance to eat it all.. now I know how Mindi feels! :)  We left there about 6:30 and had to rush home and get Alijah ready for some cover-shot pictures her dance studio was doing.  She ended up going with one of her friends for a sleepover from the photo shoot, so I just headed home.
Lincoln and Nate had been hanging out having some beers, so I decided to join them.  After having 4 beers, and not knowing what the calories were I started freaking out. Beers are not the best way to spend on calories.. but boy do they add up fast!  We ran down to the creek and I had a veggie burger.. but instead of my usual veggie burger I had them had jalepeno bottle caps ( I shouldn't be allowed to order food after I've been drinking!)  I just had to have a stein of bud light there... and that is how it all started!!
Saturday I went to Costco with the Mom and was feeling a bit crappy.  I had a mocha freeze while we were there and we split a churro...  we had been talking about the beer consumption and i figured out the calories and about had a heart attack!  What a waste!!!  I won't be doing that again.
I had some meat loaf  and a baked potato with my parents for lunch... lounged around there for a bit and headed home.  Later that night we went and looked at cars, while Alijah slept in the car.  We went to Wingers for dinner, where I ordered a side of mashed potatoes and had one of Lincoln's chicken fingers.
Sunday was Father's Day, so we went to dinner at La Luna.  I had a smothered burrito and half an order of rice.  I wasn't kidding when I said this weekend was a gorge fest!!
After all of this eating I still managed to lose 1.8lbs... with a grand total of 10.2lbs! woot woot...
Here's to a week of cleaner eating!! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Slow is better than Never!

I weighed in yesterday and am down 2 more lbs!!  woot woot!!   I have currently lost 8.6lbs and am so excited!!  Now if I could just kick up my activity level, it would be really awesome! 
Yesterday, in our meeting we had a different leader since Sandy is out of town.  It ended up being my moms leader from her work WW meetings, Deb.  She was great, and I think I may have liked her more than Sandy (don't tell her I said that!) 
A couple people in the meeting feel like they are really struggling and she pointed out that, "slow is better than never" and I couldn't agree more.  On my last round with WW I had lost almost 9lbs in the first week.  I think I had that idea stuck in my head that it would come off that fast this time around.  I just have to keep reminding myself that as long as the weight is coming off, I will be happy for the loss!  So here's to another week of tracking and moving more!

Monday, June 11, 2012

A day early...

Well, it's not weigh in day.. but after the weekend I had, I just had to see what the scale said!
Saturday morning I had to take my dogs to get groomed, so I was up and out of the house at 7:30.  When I got home everyone was still asleep, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to head over to the track at the junior high and do some laps.  I walked 4 laps and then decided to try and run the straights on the last two laps, I thought I was going to die!  Once I walked a bit after the sprints, I felt really great.  I was only planning on doing 3 laps, but as I came up to the end I figured why not just walk one more.  I ended up walking 6 laps and running the straights twice. 
Later that afternoon my mom, Alijah, the doggies, and I spent a few hours in the pool.  It wasn't the warmest of weather, but Alijah was dying to get in there.  After swimming we lounged around a bit we decided it was time for some dinner.  Alijah is obsessed with Yogurtland, so off to Jordan Landing we headed.  She also wanted Noodles and Co for dinner.  I was a bit hesitant, since I have only had pasta once since starting WW and it was whole wheat.  I got on my trusty Fitness Pal app and looked up what was the lesser of the evils.  I ended up sharing with my mom the Penne Rosa with grilled chicken.  After that we went to Yogurtland..... that place could be the death of me!!  On the drive back home I started to get some pretty intense stomach cramping.  I kept thinking, I should've went with something less rich at Noodles. I'll spare you the gory details.. the toilet was my best friend for the next 24 hours!!  I know, TMI!!   So after 4 or 5 glasses of Ginger Ale, which is 90 calories per 8 oz I might add, I was very curious to see what I weighed.  To my surprise, I was down another 3lbs!!!  So here is hoping I can maintain that loss for tomorrows weigh in.. and give the old porcelain throne a break!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

3 Weeks in...

So I'm 3 weeks into the Weight Watchers program (or starting week 4 according to them), and am 6.4lbs down!  woot woot!! I got my first gold star for reaching 5lbs of weight loss... In class we talked about staying motivated over the summer and setting some personal goals to reach by Labor Day.  I would really like to get to my 20% by then.  She said not to go to crazy and set yourself up for disappointment, but I really think that is attainable.  I wish I would've taken my measurements so I could track my progress that way also.  Guess I should do that tonight.

This past weekend all the men in the family were out of town.  We had a nice girls weekend filled with snuggling, movies, hanging with friends, snuggling babies, and some swimming.  I guess I can't really call it swimming, as Alijah decided she was going to be our fitness coach.  You would've thought you were at the Biggest Loser Ranch with the way she was screaming at us.  It was really funny, and a really good work out... I think she's onto a future career!